Posts Tagged ‘realtor’

Transform your home into a showstopper with the power of staging!

May 15, 2024
Kitchen in background with comfortable seating in large great room

Imagine looking around your home and wondering how you can make it shine during those crucial showings. The answer is simple: staging! It’s a powerful tool that can transform your property and raise its appeal.

Your online listing photos serve as the initial showcase for potential buyers. Staging plays a crucial role in enhancing these images, making them more captivating and inviting. It sets the stage, quite literally, for a positive first impression. When buyers scroll through your listing, professionally staged rooms catch their eye, drawing them into the story your home tells.

Staging isn’t just about creating a visually pleasing environment; it’s about sparking an emotional connection. A well-staged home exudes warmth and welcome, making it easier for buyers to picture themselves living there. It’s a canvas upon which they can paint their own future, creating an emotional bond with the space that lingers long after the showing ends.

The numbers don’t lie. According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 23% of buyer’s agents report that staging can increase the dollar value offered by 1-5% compared to non-staged homes. In essence, staging is an investment that yields a tangible return. It’s a strategic move to maximize your property’s market value and, ultimately, your selling price.

Staging has another subtle yet impactful benefit. It redirects attention away from any outdated or minor repair needs that you may not have had the resources to address before listing. Instead of fixating on imperfections, buyers are drawn to the positive aspects of your home. It’s about showcasing its potential and best features, ensuring they shine brightly.

To reap the full benefits of staging, timing is key. Ideally, it should be implemented before your home hits the market. The moment you decide to sell, consider reaching out to us. We can seamlessly incorporate staging into your selling timeline, ensuring your home stands out and captures the hearts of potential buyers right from the start. Don’t underestimate the impact of this transformative process—it’s the secret weapon in your arsenal to sell your home swiftly and at an optimal price.

Making Sense of Home Improvements: What Adds Value?

April 24, 2024
Shelves, circular saw, doors and other remodeling tools and supplies fill the family room as the kitchen is worked on

Before diving into renovation projects, it’s important to understand which upgrades are likely to boost your home’s value and which ones may not yield a significant return on investment. While certain improvements can enhance your home’s appeal and attract potential buyers, others may fall short of expectations.

It’s prudent to explore examples of home improvements that have the potential to increase your home’s value, as well as situations where renovations may not have a substantial impact on its worth. By gaining insights into these factors, homeowners can make informed decisions and maximize their return on investment when upgrading their properties.

Home improvements that may increase the value of the home:

Hardwood floors … Refinishing or updating to wood floors have good appeal and have a high return on the cost.

Kitchen Remodel – Updating the kitchen with modern appliances, countertops, and fixtures can increase the home’s value by improving functionality and aesthetics.

Bathroom Update – Renovating bathrooms with new fixtures, tiles, and amenities can enhance the home’s appeal, especially if it increases the number of bathrooms or improves their condition.

Curb Appeal – Enhancing curb appeal through landscaping, exterior painting, or updating the front door can make a positive first impression and increase the home’s perceived value.

Energy-Efficient Upgrades – Adding energy-efficient features such as insulation, or windows can attract environmentally conscious buyers and reduce utility costs, thereby increasing the home’s value.

Open Floor Plan – Removing walls to create an open floor plan can improve the flow of the home and make it feel more spacious, which may appeal to modern homebuyers and increase value.

Home improvements that may not affect value significantly:

Over-Personalized Upgrades – Home improvements that are highly customized to the homeowner’s taste, such as extravagant or niche features, may not appeal to a broad range of buyers and may not recoup their cost.

Low-Quality Workmanship – Poor-quality renovations or DIY projects that are not executed professionally may detract from the home’s value rather than adding to it.

Excessive Upgrades – Spending too much on renovations relative to the home’s overall value for the neighborhood may not yield a commensurate increase in value.

Unpermitted Additions – Home improvements made without the necessary permits or that violate building codes may lead to complications during the selling process and may not add value to the home.

Overcapitalization – Investing in upgrades that exceed the anticipated resale value of the home for the neighborhood may result in diminishing returns and may not justify the expense.

While there are many powerful investment aspects of homeownership, not all the money spent on it will necessarily increase the value.  If the cost of some renovations won’t be able to be recaptured in the sales price, homeowners should recognize that in advance of making them.  If they decide to move forward, they must realize that it was done for personal convenience or enjoyment. 

On the other hand, some improvements can satisfy convenience, enjoyment and return part or all the cost.  The latest Remodeling Impact Report done by the National Association of REALTORS® and the National Association of Remodeling Industry  can provide more insight into cost recovery.

Your real estate professional can provide guidance of a more specific nature.

New Construction Homes with Your Own Agent

December 27, 2023

Homebuyers in the market who are frustrated by the low inventory are finding what they want in new construction.  Among the obvious advantages are that it is fresh and new, has never been lived in, and can be personalized to an individual’s taste and needs.

New construction homes can be more expensive upfront, but they can save you money in the long run. These homes are built to the latest building codes, which means they are more energy-efficient and require less maintenance. They also come with warranties that can help protect you from unexpected repairs.

New construction homes can be a great option for first-time homebuyers. They offer a blank slate that you can customize to your liking, and they don’t have the same wear and tear as older homes.

Working with a REALTOR® can help you navigate the process of buying a new construction home. They can help you find the right builder, negotiate a good price, and make sure that the home is built to your specifications.

One of the most critical steps in designing your dream home is enlisting the expertise of a qualified real estate professional. A REALTOR® brings essential knowledge of the local market, construction processes, checklists, and negotiation skills. They can help you explore financing options, connect you with reputable builders and guide you through the complex steps of purchasing new construction.

Navigate the path to your dream home with these steps guided by your REALTOR®:

  1. Select a Real Estate Professional: Find a trusted agent to champion your interests, negotiate with builders and ensure a seamless transaction.
  2. Research Builders and Neighborhoods: Discover builders, track records and neighborhoods using the expertise of your real estate professional.
  3. Get Pre-approved: Determine your budget and financing options by securing pre-approval from a trusted lender.
  4. Navigating Legal and Documentation Processes: Your real estate professional understands local regulations, permits and zoning requirements. They will guide you through the paperwork and review things along the way, allowing you to focus on the creative aspects of your dream home.
  5. Construction and Project Management: Your real estate professional will accompany you through the construction process. Your agent will work with the builder’s agent to oversee the timeline and progress, to address any concerns that may arise.

An important step is having your agent introduce you to the builder’s home for the first time and register you as their client.  Builders have sales teams that will assist you, but they don’t represent you; they are employees of the builders.

Another consideration is to have a home inspection, even though it may not seem necessary.  It is comforting to have your inspector verifying that the building is up to code and being done the way it should be.  Some buyers elect to have inspections done at the major steps of the building process, but this does add some additional cost.

The importance of having a REALTOR® by your side is part of your investment in a home.  Your agent will be with you every step of the way and advocate for you in the process.  Your path to home-sweet-home starts with selecting your agent.

Owners Without Agents

January 8, 2019
